There are many ways you can support In2Pickle - some without spending a dime!

By now you know In2Pickle as a provider of educational pickleball videos and publications. We are dedicated to helping you improve as a player. And we are dedicated to the growth of pickleball. Pick any support option that works for you, as any would be greatly appreciated by us! 

Sharing In2Pickle pickleball videos.  If you are reading this, then you are likely already a subscriber to our In2Pickle YouTube pickleball channel (if not, what are you waiting for?). You can help us by sharing our videos by forwarding (text or email) and/or posting our videos on social media (your Facebook, YouTube channel, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, etc.). The key is to get the information out there.

Sharing In2Pickle’s written publications. We are known for our pickleball videos but, believe it or not, we have also published some useful written information on our website here. You can share this information in the same manner you would share videos. Like the videos, the key is to get the information out there.
The above are free ways to support us, and again, any support is greatly appreciated!
If you don't have the time to do the above and/or prefer to support In2Pickle in other ways, either shop in our store and/or become a supporter. Contributing one-time or a small amount each month helps us maintain these free pickleball videos and materials.  


Shop at our In2Pickle online pickleball store for your pickleball needs. A good example is a pickleball paddle. If you are looking to buy a new paddle, you can buy the paddle anywhere. Why not buy it from In2Pickle? If we do not have something you are looking for or you find it at a lower price, please let us know before purchasing from elsewhere by emailing    

Make a one-time  or recurring donation using PayPal.You will have the option to provide any amount as a one-time contribution or set as a monthly contribution.  

Thank you for supporting In2Pickle!